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Hi - I'm Kimberley and I've been leading profitable Pricing & Commercial Strategy organizations for more than two decades. I started Capture Value Consulting after I spent a year working with a very prominent pricing consulting firm who was deployed onsite at the company I was working for at the time.

Yes, you read that right: a whole year

It occurred to me that small businesses or companies who need to turn around a troubled area within a product portfolio may not have that kind of time or budget to assess their commercial strategy and operational chops.

​I wanted to offer domain expertise for companies who need pricing and go-to-market strategies, an area that many struggle with during the final stages of a launch. 

The other challenge we solve for originated from my trying unsuccessfully for years to find a simple framework for how to actually develop pricing without suffering from Goldilocks syndrome (where pricing is too high or too low but not "just right").

I want to take the mystery out of pricing and provide a clear step-by-step approach, to enable businesses to scale such a critical factor of business planning.

About: About Me
Modern Work Space

We are a Team of Credible, Experienced Experts

I’ve helped CEOs, Chief Revenue Officers and Chief Product Officers in Fortune 500 and startup companies develop and launch pricing and sales strategies for various B2B software, SaaS, professional services and API products.

I've partnered with MIT Digital School of Business on pricing research, and am a member and speaker for the Professional Pricing Society, the country’s only recognized Association for Pricing professionals.

I have a Bachelor's degree in Marketing from the University of Massachusetts School of Management and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Babson College with an MBA focused on entrepreneurship. I have a Certification in Technical Writing.

I work with an incredible network of brilliant Specialists who I bring in as part of my team for each project, after I have assessed the areas of need, including Value Advisory, Business Modeling, SEO, Social Media Strategy, CFO Advisory and more. We have built an advisory exchange from years of working together so we trust each others’ expertise and we all have the same goal: to help businesses be successful.

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Bamboo Ladder
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Time to Launch is Critical

Our commitment to you is that we will work to identify your needs, define a solution within your timeframe and budget and provide you with the tools to take action.  Our fee model is not based on a typical consultant hourly billable model. This is so we can focus on the outcome that you need to take your business to the next level.

Experienced Team of Experts

We design and implement actionable execution strategies for you to launch your product or transform your business.  Our approach comes from years of applying and tweaking our methods as practitioners ourselves. From multi-billion dollar companies to small private startups, we provide the right path for you to take.

Follow Through to Execution

There are many published theories on how to price for value capture but there are few detailed blueprints to execute successfully. So, we'll build them for you. We provide both the strategy and the tools for you to build and launch your pricing right the first time, and leave you with a framework to modify as your business grows.

About: Services
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